Blog Post

Len Naumovich Receives Lifetime Award Business Owner of the Year

6/26/2023 Primo Designs

For more than 30 years, Primo Founder Len Naumovich has been serving the community with quality products and outstanding customer service.

In June 2023, Len received the lifetime achievement award from the Springfield Greater Chamber of Commerce's Small Business Award!  

During Len's speech receiving the award, he noted two gifts he received that led to his success. First, his dad teaching him to work and to love work. "Not for money, but for the satisfaction of doing something well and finishing a task."

The second gift is his nearly 40-year marriage to his wife, Cindy. "For two people to be so perfectly matched to go through this life together, is the act of a higher power. Cindy values work as much as I do, she makes me a better person and look at her, she is beautiful. I could not have gone through the past 38 years of business ownership without her support, understanding and love."

"So, my real success was in recognizing the value of these two gifts, and making them a part of my life." Thank you to the Chamber and all of the Springfield community for supporting Primo Designs since 1985. We appreciate you all.”

Primo Designs is proud to be a leader in central Illinois!

Len gives acceptance speech at podium.
Len gives his acceptance speech at the GSCC 2023 Small Business Awards Ceremony.

Len Naumovich Receives Lifetime Award Business Owner of the Year

In June 2023, Len received the lifetime achievement award!  Watch the video to hear how Len got started and his advice to business owners. 

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